Application where we keep you updated with the best links (links) of Peru, classified by NEWS, PERSON, COMPANY and VEHICLE.✔ Integrated QR link to scan from TV or catalog and participate in events, surveys, raffles, contests, etc.✔ We add the links you like 👍✔ We remove the links you dont like 👎✔ You can save the result of any link in PDF.✔ You can see the historical report of the generated PDFs by date.📢 NEWS🔸 Bonuses and Social Programs🔸 ID account🔸 Vaccination meat🔸 Job and Employment Exchange🔸 Check your SUNAFIL job🔸 FONAVI Register🔸 And more...🙋♂️ PERSON🔸 RENIEC Parts Table🔸 Consult DNI by names🔸 Check names by ID🔸 SUNARP property inquiry🔸 SBS Debt Record🔸 Food and judicial debtors🔸 AFP, ESSALUD, SIS affiliation inquiry🔸 Lines in your name: Claro, Movistar, Entel, Bitel🔸 Search for professional qualification: engineer, doctor, nurse🔸 Political affiliation, voter fines🔸 And more...🏢 COMPANY🔸 Consult RUC SUNAT🔸 Electronic fee🔸 Payment schedule according to last digit🔸 Parallel dollar exchange rate🔸 RNP certificate🔸 Validity of vouchers (Ticket, Invoice, Receipt of fees, etc.)🔸 And more...🚗 VEHICLE🔸 SUNARP vehicle consultation🔸 Electronic drivers license🔸 Consult RUC SUNAT🔸 Driving record🔸 Technical inspection🔸 SOAT Services🔸 Consult RUC SUNAT🔸 VIRTUAL SAT🔸 Callao ballots🔸 And more...📺 We have a News channel to show you the official videos and tutorials; as well as trends.Main source of information: WE DO NOT REPRESENT ANY GOVERNMENT ENTITY.